Legal Matters: Contracts, Agreements, and Laws

Yo yo yo, let’s talk about legal matters, contracts, and laws

First up, how does an idiq contract work? It’s like a long-term deal, no need to go berserk

Next we got sla agreements, make sure you understand the key legal stipulations

Don’t forget about the non written agreement, sometimes it’s verbal, no need for parchment

Keep it legal in Texas, know the polygamy laws, don’t be caught with flaws

Consultation fees gotta be clear with an agreement, that’s legal guidance, no need for disagreement

In Portland, Maine, they got that legal ease, keep it smooth like a breeze

When it comes to serving alcohol in Indiana, know the legal age, don’t get caught in a legal cage

Exclusive marketing, get a sample agreement, keep it tight, no need for disparagement

Do you need a business license in Alberta? Know the legal requirements, no need for detainment

When it comes to custody, make your own agreement, keep it legal, no need for engagement

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